
Le nuove storie sono in alto.

Personaggi: Gabriel Lightwood, Thomas Lightwood-Herondale Fairchild, Alec Lightwood, OMC
Serie: City of Hidden Houses
Genere: Mature, Angst
Avvisi: Slash, Next Generation
Rating: NSFW
Note: I love them and I can't wait to write about them "officially" in CoHH.
Prompt: -

Riassunto: It's not just a connection between them anymore, it's something deeper, something scarier.

The fire within

Tabata | 16/03/2019
Categorie: !Fanfiction, Shadowhunters
Personaggi: Gabriel Lightwood, Thomas Lightwood-Herondale Fairchild
Serie: City of Hidden Houses
Genere: Romance, Lemon
Avvisi: Slash, Next Generation
Rating: NSFW
Note: I love them and I can't wait to write about them "officially" in CoHH.
Prompt: Clash (COW-T #9)

Riassunto: Why can't we?
Everything started with that question for them.

Personaggi: Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Jia Penhollow
Serie: City of Hidden Houses
Genere: Intrsopective, Romance
Avvisi: Slash
Rating: PG-13
Note: -
Prompt: -

Riassunto: Jia's main concern is to find Sebastian, who apparently disappeared into thin air after killing the Seelie Queen. She seems convinced that Alec knows where to find him and she keeps dropping hints every time they talk. But the only thing Alec knows is that Sebastian and Jace are together, although the reason why still escapes him. Magnus, on the other hand, would rather not get involved, and yet he is.

The name we hold back

Tabata | 22/01/2014
Categorie: !Fanfiction, Shadowhunters
Personaggi: Will Herondale, Charlotte Branwell, Jem Carstairs
Genere: Intrsopective, Drama
Avvisi: Pre-slash, Angst
Rating: PG-13
Note: I've cried on the third book of this series for, like, three days and I swore I would never write anything about Will and Jem because it hurt too much. Well, yeah. Apparently, I wrote something about them. *cough*
I don't remember if this fits with the canon or not, but see if I care.
Prompt: Written for the Purple Army during the Cow-t #4 @ maridichallenge (prompt: blood)

Riassunto: Jem has been sick for days, but he didn't tell Will. When things get worse, tho, he reaches out to Will and they both realize how little they're prepared to say goodbye to each other.

Personaggi: Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Isabelle Lightwood
Serie: City of Hidden Houses
Genere: Intrsopective, Romance
Avvisi: Slash, What-if, Angst
Rating: PG-13
Note: Miracles happen! I had wanted to write something on the Shadowhunters' universe for quite some time now, but I had never found the right way to start... until now. This story is set five years after the 5th book and doesn't take into consideration whatever will happen in the 6th. Plus, what happened in this five years happened, and you just get to see the results.
Prompt: Written for the Purple Army during the Cow-t #4 @ maridichallenge (prompt: arrow)

Riassunto: Clary's dead, leaving Jace alone to take care of their four years old boy. When Jace can't face the new situation and run away to clear his mind, it's Alec who step in and deal with the kid, all the while trying to convince the Clave that he is suitable to be head of the New York Institute despite his relationship with Magnus, and looking everywhere for his parabatai.

Of blood and vengeance

Tabata | 27/07/2013
Categorie: !Fanfiction, Shadowhunters
Personaggi: Jonathan Morgenstern
Genere: Introspettivo
Avvisi: Gen, Angst, spoiler fino al terzo libro compreso
Rating: R
Note: Dunque, succede che io ho letto questa serie e mi sono perdutamente innamorata di Magnus Bane, per questo mi sembrava logico scrivere la mia prima storia in assoluto su questo fandom parlando di Jonathan Morgenstern. Il mio cervello opera per vie sconosciute. Ciò detto, io ho letto la serie in inglese e dal poco che ho visto della traduzione della Mondadori, Dio ci preservi dal dare mai più in mano un libro da adattare a quei traduttori, pertanto tutti i termini specifici sono in inglese.
Inoltre, so che Jonathan e Jace non si sono mai incontrati prima del terzo libro e che forse (o forse no?) Jonathan non sapeva degli esperimenti del padre, ma guardate quanto me ne importa.
Prompt: Scritto per la prima settimana del Cow-T 3.5 @ maridichallenge (prompt: vendetta) per la squadra dei vampirli.

Riassunto: Jonathan ci spiega, con i processi mentali tipici dei sociopatici, per quale motivo suo padre ha sbagliato figlio e come lui ha misericordiosamente cercato di porre rimedio.